Bulk Approvals

Paul Ehlinger

Last Update há 8 meses

The bulk approvals feature streamlines the workflow process, enabling all users to manage and approve posts efficiently. This feature is particularly useful for rapidly approving multiple posts, skipping steps in the approval process, or entirely overriding the approval workflow if you're an admin or super admin.

How to Use Bulk Approvals for Users

  1. Navigate to the Home page dashboard to find the under the section titled "Post Awaiting Approval."
  2. Select posts for approval
    • You can check boxes next to individual post or select all posts at once for bulk approval.
  3. Confirm approval by clicking the green approve button towards the bottom

Enhanced Options for Admins and Super Admins

Besides the standard approval process, admins and super admins have extra capabilities. These include skipping certain steps in the approval process or overriding it entirely.

1. Approving to the Next Stage.

Admins and super admins can choose to approve posts to the next stage of the workflow.

2. Overriding the Approval Workflow.

This option allows for immediate scheduling and publishing of the post, bypassing the remaining steps.

The bulk approvals feature is designed to make your content management process more efficient and flexible. Whether you're a regular user approving posts or an admin handling complex workflows, this feature simplifies and accelerates the approval process.

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